2008년 9월 24일 수요일

Long long time ago

This is a picture which my mother took of me when I was a 3 y.o.

2008년 9월 21일 일요일

Daegu municipal hospital (Daegu city hope village)

I've been to Daegu municipal hospital as a community volunteer. Sometimes it's a little bit hard time to serve handicaped people. However, you know, it always refresh my feeling and give me a chance to recognize how I'm lucky. Thanks, God.
The pics of the left side is recording our move toward the hospital after having a breakfast.

2008년 9월 19일 금요일

2008년 9월 4일 목요일

I'm having a hard time to study nursing.

There are a lot of things to study. I couldn't guess how difficult to become a nurse. lol. Anyway I'm going to accomplish my goal.

School life

Life is not that easy. Am I right? Oh, the woman of this picture is also one of my classmates, Sung hee.

Pathway to Pediatrics

Pathway to Pediatrics

As a second generation Korean American born and raised in Southern California, it was not a mistake that I was one of millions of uninsured Americans for most of my life; that I had immigrant parents who did not realize the importance of regular checkups and preventative health care; that a number of my family members passed away from cancer caught too late; that my fear of doctors added to my avoidance of getting proper health care even as an adult with insurance; or, that I took a class in college that ignited a passion in me to improve patient-provider communication and ultimately led me to the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.
None of these things were a mistake, because all of these experiences have molded who I am today and driven me to pursue nursing. I know firsthand the importance of basic and preventative health care and have a vested interest in bringing that message to everyone, from the uninsured to the fearful, infants to the elderly.
This spring, I began a pediatrics rotation on the oncology unit at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and unexpectedly fell in love with the field and its young patient population. The seven weeks I spent on that unit essentially changed the course of my nursing career-this summer, I accepted a position in pediatric oncology at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, near my home and family.
I am honored and thankful to have been chosen to receive the Drs. I. Ridgeway and Frances Trimble Scholarship. It is a gift of education that will undoubtedly go on to touch many people in need of care.

-Una Lee, Accelerated-13 2009

This document is linked from School of Nursing, John Hopkins University.

Hyo bin, Mun

She is also one of my classmates. Is she beautiful?

2008년 9월 3일 수요일

My college

This pic is an overview of my college, Taegu Science College. It's a little bit small and very cute. I need to spend at least two and a half years to graduate this college.

Let's start.

One of my classmates, Yu Jung.

I took a picture of her in breaktime between human anatomy class and biology class. My class consists of 43 female student nurses and 8 male student nurses.